WPC 2024 = 3rd place in a worldwide competition

Thank you for keeping your fingers crossed for me. A dream has come true. Being among the best photographers in the world and achieving third place in Portrait Illustration Photography 2024 is a phenomenal success that I have dreamed of for many years.
It’s such a tremendous achievement that I still can’t fully grasp what has actually happened. Wow.

World Photographic Cup (WPC, www.worldphotographiccup.org) je jedinečná fotografická soutěž ve stylu „olympijských her“. Je jedinou fotografickou soutěží otevřenou národním týmům profesionálních fotografů a umělců reprezentujících své země (jeden pro každou zemi).

Here you can check out the announcement of the results in all categories: https://www.youtube.com/live/XCMSkwTL4RI?si=kU8N0YGdmiAVnYgL


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